Acetone-Butanol-Ethanol Fermentation

Self Evaluation

Q1. Acetone Butanol Ethanol fermentation is:
A    Carried out by Clostridium acetobutylicum
B    Carried out by Clostridium butyricum
C    Carried out by Saccharomyces cerevisaie
D    Carried out by Pichia pastoris

Q2. The Aetone Butanol Ethanol fermentation is:
A    Done under anaerobic conditions at 370 C and pH 4.5
B    Done under anaerobic conditions at 370 C and pH 6.0
C    Done under aerobic conditions at 370 C and pH 4.5
D    Done under aerobic conditions at 370 C and pH 6.0

Q3. The butyric acid is produced:
A    Growth phase only
B    Both growth and solvent production phase
C    Solvent phase only
D    Only under pH 6.0 conditions

Q4. Regeneration of NADH in acid phase of the A-B-E cultivation:
A    Is done by transferring the electrons to hydrogen
B    Is done by transferring the electrons to butyric acid
C    Is done by both a and b
D    Is done by transferring the electrons to acetic acid

Q5. Biomass formation in acid production phase is more:
A    Primarily because of high ATP availability
B    Because of less inhibition of culture metabolism
C    Both a and c
D    High substrate consumption

Q6. H2/CO2 ratio in A-B-E fermentation is:
A    High in acid production phase
B    High in solvent production phase
C    Constant through-out the fermentation
D    low through-out the fermentation

Q7. Acetic acid production in A-B-E fermentation is associated with:
A    ATP formation
B    NADH regeneration
C    CO2 libration
D    Less biomass formation

Q8. YATP of fermentation is defined as:
A    Gm of biomass per mole of ATP consumed
B    Gm of biomass per gm of ATP consumed
C    Mole of biomass per mole of ATP consumed
D    Mole of biomass per Gm of ATP consumed

Q9. The substrates used in A-B-E fermentation are:
A    Glucose only
B    Glucose, pentose and starchy material
C    Sucrose only
D    Both A & C

Q10. The regeneration of NADH in acid phase is done by transferring the electrons to:
A    Fdox
B    Intermediates of metabolic pathway
C    Oxygen
D    Both A and B